Wednesday, December 13, 2006

art..??? work...????....

I recently visited an exhibition at my old uni, the graduates exhibition, and it inspired me and made me miss the days when I was being more creative or more artistic with my photography. I haven't until now missed it, as I was fairly over the 'art for art sake'.. blah blah...
I've really enjoyed creating this piece. I have used a photo that my Dad took (yes thats me as a bubba) as he was the one who was my first inspiration and really my first mentor, long before uni. I love his approach to an image, it might be the simplicity, the B&W and that their our family photos, but I especially love the ones of us kids. I find my approach quite similar. This piece is completely digital, its actual size is A3, thats why their are some more detailed images below, showing the actual size. I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing more images like these using my Dads pics as their such great images and I really enjoy it. Hope everyone else does....


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